International Internet Gateway

FGL is the largest International Internet Gateway (IIG) service provider in Bangladesh, offering an expansive connectivity portfolio. Our network seamlessly integrates with the major Tier-1, Tier-2 carriers and Global content providers all over the world. We've also established robust IX connectivity through IPLC services elevating our platform to enhance customer experience and extend geographical reach.

With an extensive PoP presence across nationwide, integrated seamlessly with global partners, our networks are meticulously designed for maximum redundancy, ensuring an exceptional uptime. which is setting new benchmarks for reliability and performance.

IP Transit

FGL provides IP transit service through a robust Tier-1 and Tier-2 carrier networks. Our optimized routing architecture ensures optimum latency, particularly to renowned content delivery networks (CDNs) such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Akamai, and more. With an unwavering commitment to redundancy at the carrier level, FGL emerges as a trusted partner in Bangladesh ensuring reliable and efficient IP Transit service.